Access Host PostgreSQL from Docker Containers

It’s common that service in docker container needs a database, such as PostgreSQL.

You can also run database in another docker container and link them together. However, there are reasons not to do that in some senarios.:

Here we show how you can make multiple docker containers connect to the same external PostgreSQL database on docker host machine.

Config PostgreSQL to allow access from Docker containers

ssh to nas, make following change:

# sudo vim /etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf

# listen_address = ""
listen_address = ""

This will allow PostgreSQL to listen on any IP address, other than localhost only.

Now you still need to allow access from docker containers:

# sudo vim /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf

# allow connections from docker containers without checking password
host    all             postgres              trust
# or require password
host    all             postgres              md5

Each docker container will use a gateway IP to communicate with host machine. You can get geteway IP with:

docker inspect <contrainer> | grep Gateway

If you have multiple docker containers, you may noticed that the gateway IP varies. However, they are all in CIDR, which is reserved private IP range.

Here, to simplify things for demo purpose, I just use trust method to allow all connections from this CIDR, with the builtin postgres user. Which means, on my NAS, any docker containers can connect to PostgreSQL without password. Obvious this is not secure.

To make above changes take effect, you need to restart PostgreSQL service:

# on NAS:
sudo su - postgres
pg_ctl -m fast restart
# or on Ubuntu:
# sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Config Docker container to connect to PostgreSQL on docker host machine

Here is an example docker-compose.yml file for Nextcloud(on Ubuntu, not for NAS):

       │ File: docker-compose.yaml
   1   │ version: "3"
   2   │
   3   │ #
   4   │
   5   │ volumes:
   6   │   nextcloud:
   7   │
   8   │ services:
   9   │   nextcloud:
  10   │     image: nextcloud
  11   │     restart: always
  12   │     ports:
  13   │       - "8090:80"
  14   │     volumes:
  15   │       - nextcloud:/var/www/html
  16   │     extra_hosts:
  17   │       - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
  18   │     environment:
  19   │       # must provide all 4 postgres envvars
  20   │       - POSTGRES_HOST=host.docker.internal
  21   │       - POSTGRES_DB=${POSTGRES_DB}
  24   │       # redis
  25   │       - REDIS_HOST=host.docker.internal
  26   │       - REDIS_HOST_PORT=6379
  27   │       # admin user

Please note:

The key here is to add host.docker.internal:host-gateway as extra_hosts, and use host.docker.internal as domain name for docker host.


With this setup, you can run multiple docker containers with shared services on docker host. This is useful for personal server, or home/office network.

Issue on NAS

My original goal for this topic is to use builtin PostgreSQL on Synology NAS for docker containers. However, I noticed the docker package has no way to add extra_hosts, so I have to use gateway IP to connect to PostgreSQL for now, which is working but not reliable.